Gwenyth's Birthday - March 17, 2010
2010 March 17
Created by Laura 13 years ago
I have my baby that you all prayed for - thank you all!! Thank you God. She is here! My St. Patrick's Day baby!!!
I just finished watching some of the video Myers took down the hall at the Cardiaic ICU. She is just as calm and as sweet as can be even with all the lights (which Lil said, with much concern upon seeing the bed Gwen would be in, would "scare Gwenyth").
They did take her right away for a spell, right after she was born. They took her into the room next door with a special window - and we could hear her crying for a little bit at first, and then Myers could watch as they did the standard cleaning hooked her sweet little belly button up to some tubing.
Then, they brought her to me, and carefully adjusted all the wires as they passed her to my arms. She started to cry as they passed her along and she settled the moment she was on me and heard my voice. I know it's totally impossible, but this little girls face, even with the eye drops, radiated such delight - delight in hearing her parents voices, delight (I swear a smile) when we mimicked her "talking" to us, and to see her eyes look over to Myers to find where his voice came from - she amazed me beyond words. You would never dream, from looking at her that anything at all could be wrong with her.
Myers went back to be with her, if they will allow, during the tests she will now undergo. There seems to be a chance my sweet, perfect, perfect-looking, little girl may have to have her surgery this week. I thought maybe since it was so late in the week, she wouldn't be scheduled 'till Monday. I suppose it is better than waiting - but now that I'm on the other side of her birth and can let my brain now take on what she faces next - I don't know just how I will walk forward from here. I want to swaddle her and take her home so bad it hurts. I want her to be okay....I want her to be more than okay. I don't want to loose her, I want her forever. Please God, bless this baby with all the strength in the world and the best surgeon in the world - please let her be fixed and be okay.